ROI Hunter

Brand Identity, Colour Scheme Development, Illustration, Animation, Web Design

ROI Hunter needed their identity rebranded after a 2 day long Brand Workshop held at the end of the year 2021, where the upper management has identified their values, positioning and brand archetypes (Creator & Magician) that the old identity didn't fit. After weeks of research and various colour scheme/brand proposals, here is the final result of the visually rebranded ROI Hunter . 
I have developed the new colour scheme that would match the defined archetypes along with a set of illustrations, icons, new deck templates and all other secondary materials used to represent the ROI Hunter brand. Based on the new identity, I have worked closely with a Web Design agency called "Adchitects" to redesign our website homepage. We also had an Interior Design agency "U1 Interiors" redesign ROI Hunter's headquarters offices to match the new colour scheme and identity.

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